Boot Jacks/Boot Removers

Items for sale: 0
Last updated: Mon Aug 29 01:51:02 BST 2022

About Boot Jacks

Boot jacks are handy devices that you can carry around in the boot of your car or leave at the entrance of your house.

Use these boot gadgets to remove your boots without using your hands.


Here's the boot removal technique:

  1. Stand on one end with one foot
  2. Use the weight of your body and the U-shaped end
  3. Place the heel of your other foot in the U-shaped end
  4. Pull your foot thats in the U-shaped end upwards to remove your foot from the boot
  5. Voila! Hopefully you didn't splash mud all over the place or you didn't topple over or your boot didn't go flying!

Boot Jacks/Boot Removers